The Book of Job – Aug/Sept 2020
Compromise in the Christian Home
Dear loved ones in Christ. Before beginning to share with you the burden on my heart today, I would first like to exhort everyone reading this to search the Holy Scriptures for themselves, as did the Bereans, in order to prove the words that follow. It should be noted on no uncertain terms that the purpose of this writing is only to encourage others to reach for a higher plain here on earth – drawing nearer to our Blessed Saviour and His Heavenly Kingdom, and not to be used as a means whereby to judge the words and deeds of others for “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”.
The burden that weighs heavily on my heart today is the influence – especially the subtle influence, of the Devil in our homes. As a Christian, I know (because Paul clearly states it) that we have liberty in this life. However, there is an increasingly dark influence that seems to be pervading the sanctity of the Christian home – a numbing, as it were, of the senses that should be sharply on the lookout for the Devil’s wiles against our souls. It seems that everywhere we look there is a new ‘cute’ movie or an ‘awesome’ new book/plan/idea/etc. The problem that I see continually arising is that these things are so seemingly innocent – except they’re not. We read in the Bible of the things that we need to be aware of. The things that will harm us or derail us. The things that will damage us and distract us. As Spurgeon said, “Hours for the World, but only moments for Christ.” The ease with which the Devil enters our homes (and therefore our hearts and minds) is disturbing. It has been my experience that things seem more like they just appear in our lives rather than actually being chosen by us. We are living in such ease that we often forget that the devil is a ravening and a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. It is the subtlety my friends – the subtlety of a cunning and wicked foe.
The trap that we as Christian often fall into isn’t the trap of blatancy. Yes, that sin is there, but it comes with warning signs – it looks bad and sounds bad, and is not the type of sinful intrusion to which I am referring today. If we were to be given the choice of whether or not to watch a ‘bad’ movie, it is most likely that we will be stalwartly against it, but if there is a ‘nice’ movie, or a ‘cute’ movie, or a ‘good’ show, this is where the congenial Christian heart begins to waver. Is it really that bad of a movie? Is it worth upsetting another person over? When we begin to question our conscience, the Devil will pursue us, for here is the lingering smell of sin beginning to ripen on the vine. So quickly, my friend, so very quickly, your day will begin a downward spiral. Sharp words are spoken, tempers flare, bad thoughts invade our minds, and the peace and tranquility of our Christian home is shattered. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and a doubleminded person is unstable in all their ways. The Devil knows this, and he is a very savvy opponent.
I really began to be convicted in my own heart when I would watch an episode of a ‘good’ show, and turn it off to go to bed, only to find that it was still occupying my mind and my thoughts. For many years, I didn’t give it much thought, but as I began seeking a closer and closer walk with Christ, it became clear that there was a lot wrong with things that had previously seemed so innocent. For instance, I used to love the Disney movies like “Beauty and the Beast”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Cinderella”, etc. because their image was so ‘innocent’. Then, one day, I began to really dissect the stories and pay attention to the details. I was shocked and convicted. There I was watching movies that portrayed witchcraft as silly, naughty, or fun, depending on the context. Movies that flirted with the notion of premarital relationships, romanticized the idea of wealth fixing everything, and endorsed the idea of revenge. The fact of the matter is, what was disguised as ‘innocent’ was actually a cute package for mental poison. Again, this isn’t about Disney movies, and is not meant to judge anyone. This is just where I found myself when taking an honest look at my life and habits. One of the hardest things for me as an individual was letting go.
There are many ‘happy’ memories stored in my mind that are intertwined with those movies, so to separate my heart from them took some time. I felt like it would tear me apart to lose those things from my life. It might sound weird, but that is how it worked for me; however, what I found was a loving and gentle Shepherd full of grace and mercy to this lost and wandering sheep. As I drew nearer to God, the truths in the Bible began to express themselves in my life, and this old world just faded into the distance. There was simply nothing it had to offer that was sweeter than the presence of my Beloved. This is my desire for each and every one of you, my friends, but especially the young reader. I plead with you to grasp firmly the Lover of your soul and hold on with all your heart and soul and mind. He “will never leave you nor forsake you”. He promised! “Shall not the God of the whole earth do right?”!
I believe that it was a common practice within the church in times past to shun the theatre, and while this plan had merit, it became, like many well-intentioned human plans, a source of a proud attitude and judgmental character within the more conservative circles which has tragically led to pharisaical outcomes. Encouraging Christians to have this show of outward goodness and Godly desire is also not the purpose of this writing. Our lives can only reflect what is in our hearts, and that is the true and honest matter towards which I would like encourage you – a pure and honest heart towards God. Choosing carefully what we watch, or read, or listen to, can be a monumental task when there is such ready access to everything in today’s world, but it is worth it, my friends! There is no joy known to humankind as fulfilling as the joy of a clear conscience towards our Creator and Redeemer.